Monday, January 17, 2011

Questions Questions Questions

I can't believe I'm finally away at college. How weird. I've waited for 18 and a half years for this to come and I can't believe it's finally happening. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE IT HERE. But it is definitely very weird being away. Classes start tomorrow and I haven't been nervous about finding classed since freshman year, but oh man am I scared. But more so than being afraid of walking into the wrong classroom, I'm so much more afraid that I will waste the next 3 and a half years of my life. 

Being away from home gives you the chance to grow immense amounts. But how will I know if I'm growing into the person I'm supposed to be, or growing into the person I want to be? 

I was always afraid of rejection. I always told people that was my worst fear...but is it? I'm starting to think it isn't. Yeah, rejection SUCKS. But you can move on from that. You will eventually find people who will accept you for who you are and what you stand for. But what happens when you've been pretending your whole life? What do you do when you're out of paths to take and there are no more doors to open? When you've exhausted every resource you have and there's nothing left to do? What happens when you aren't who you're supposed to be? What do you do? Who do you turn to?

Those questions will forever be on my mind until I find peace about them. I'm hoping that peace will come over me soon. I'm hoping I grow up at my time here in Kennesaw. I'm hoping I turn out to be exactly who I'm supposed to be.